Mischief Mountain
This is a short adventure for Quest. It is designed to be completed in a single play session, but can also be used to begin a longer adventure. This is a good adventure for beginners, but it can be used for players with any level of experience.
Spoiler Warning
This manual is meant to be used by The Guide to help narrate the story. If you are playing as one of the story’s main characters, don’t read further — you may spoil the game for yourself and your friends.
How to Use This Manual
Check out this guide to learn how to read this manual.
The Quest Game Book is required to play this adventure. You can use the standard character creation process to help players create their characters. If your group decides to create characters during the play session, you should expect to add up to an hour to the session for setup. You can reduce this setup time by having the players create their characters before you meet.
As The Guide, you should read this manual before meeting to play. Reading this page in advance will help you run the adventure more smoothly.
Ver. 1.0
Design: TC Sottek
Art: Grim Wilkins
At the beginning of the adventure, the players have already embarked on a quest to find the location marked on a mysterious treasure map. You should ask the players how their characters know each other. Let each character say why they have set out to find treasure.
When you're ready to begin, read the introduction below aloud to the players. At the beginning of the adventure, the players arrive at Mischief Mountain after being caught in The Trickster's trap.
The players are trapped in The Trickster’s realm and cannot escape without being freed by them. If they attempt to leave the way they came, they will get lost in the fog and re-emerge at the same place in front of the path.
The Foggy Forest
Part 1
Treasure Town
Treasure Town
Approach to Treasure Town
Meeting Fiona
Fiona's Welcome
What Fiona Knows
Entering the Museum
Fiona's Request

Recommended Treasure
Fiona will guide the players into the museum. They are free to each take one item from the list below. (You may choose more items, or create your own, if you want.) If the players choose rare or legendary items, Fiona will warn them that the test will be more difficult.
You can find full descriptions for each treasure item in the Game Book. If you have the Quest Adventure Deck, feel free to hand the full treasure cards out to the players to let them choose.
Treasure Items
Part 2
The Gregarious Gate
The Winding Ridge
Encounter: Stonebrow
Stonebrow's Riddles
Part 3
The Cavernous Caves
The Chasm
Trial: The Cavernous Caves
Suggested Challenges
- A stalactite falls from the ceiling, crashing into the path ahead and creating a gap over the chasm.
- A flock of angry bats swirls around the party, causing them to lose their balance.
- A player steps on a trap that will shoot an arrow at them if they take their foot off of it. (The arrow deals 2 damage.)
- The light from the glowing stone fades, making the room dark.
- The path becomes slippery from a coating of ice.
- A magic fog fills the room, making it difficult to see.
- A rickety wooden bridge has planks that begin to fall into the chasm.
Part 4
The Coniferous Climb
The Forest Climb

Lia: Elder Warden
HP 20
Special abilities:
ShapeshifterRegenerationEncounter: The Elder Warden
Meeting Lia

HP 12
Special abilities:
Extra AttackOptional Encounter: Lichen Attack
Lichens Attack!
Part 5
The Golden Guardian
Golden Guardian
Special abilities:
Extra AttackEvasiveEncounter: The Golden Guardian
The Summit
Part 6
The Trickster's Tower
The Tower

The Trickster
HP 20
Special abilities:
Phase Shifter— The Trickster
Encounter: The Toybox
The Toy
If The Party is defeated, the townspeople in the audience will come collect the treasure and put it in the toy box on the stage. If you are running a lighter version of the adventure where the players cannot die, The Trickster will snap their fingers and teleport the players back to Treasure Town, where they will have the option of running the adventure again. If you run the adventure again, you can use the optional content for the adventure to present them with new challenges. We also encourage you to create your own encounters and segments of the adventure if you would like to repeat it.
If The Party successfully defeats the toy, The Trickster will congratulate them and have the audience clap and cheer. Honoring the agreement, they will open a portal and allow the adventurers to return to their world with their rewards. If you decide to end the adventure here, have the players describe how they celebrate their victory and what they do with their treasure after returning home.
If you plan to continue the adventure, you can create a new storyline in their home world. If you want to throw them into the unknown, you can have The Trickster’s portal bring them to a different world than the one they arrived from.
Boss Battle
The Party may choose to fight The Trickster instead of ending the adventure after defeating the toy. If Lia is with The Party, they will confront The Trickster and attack them, with or without The Party’s help.
If The Party defeats The Trickster, they will discover a magic amulet that will allow them to open a portal to return home. If Lia is present, they will use the amulet to destroy the Shadow Plane and return Mischief Mountain to the real world. As a reward, Lia will give the players back the treasure they offered in good faith.